Monday, January 31, 2011

End Chapter 13

     Now, the King of Sparta, and his Admiral understood the women's superstitious nature and mistrust of the Sea but they both felt compelled to assuage any notions of foreboding or fear the women had. It was imperative to high Thera away to her throne, lest the King of Thrace make war upon her Nation in her absence. Vyakles knew surely the word had spread to the Thracian borders. So he went over to Thera sitting beside her, taking her hand in front of the men and women gathered there under the stars and the bright full moon. With a look of solace and gentleness he said to Queen Thera "This is a most sad history, now if I, and my men, were there on Samos that day we would have fought to defend your brave, good ladies. We would have drown the king and his entire army in the depths of the sea. There are only two glimmers of hope in this tragedy. In the first telling, Poseidon wrecked the slave ship on the shores of Scythia, saving the lives of all the women. In the second story, there was a lone survivor from the massacre on Samos. Otrere was saved from the cold water by Poseidon in the form of a passing fishing vessel and her crew." Vyakles paused as he saw the information working it's way through the Queen's mind. "It seems clear that when in desperation upon the Sea, Poseidon has done his best to save and protect your people. Yet, it is Poseidon you blame for the actions of a few, cruel men."
     Admiral Vasha continued upon the King's train of thought. "I have heard many ancient tales of the Seas and Oceans, and I must say I agree with King Vyakles.., perhaps this ancient fear of the open water has served to hinder your culture in some, small way." he paused then approached his dear friend and spoke saying "For if this fear did not exist in your heart and mind I, and my men could sail you half way home by the morning's sunrise." Vasha gave Queen Thera a concerned look then he stepped back as Vyakles began to speak.
     "You, yourself know the danger of an empty throne. Thrace is only a few hours from the west coast to your shores. My dearest Queen Thera, I will send an army to protect your women upon the long journey home, but say you will allow my ships to escort you home safely to your throne, for the safety and welfare of your people." he gave one last impassioned plea.
     Queen Thera said nothing, her eyes giving away no sign of her thoughts or emotions. She took in a deep, calming breath as she looked into the dark eyes of King Vyakles, whom she held in the highest regard in all her heart and soul. Queen Thera did not wish to travel by Sea, Thera did not wish to keep her illegal affair with the King a secret, Thera did not wish to do a great many things. However, she was no longer Commander Thera, she was the Queen and so, like all the great rulers before her, Queen Thera put the needs of her people above her own. For in her Realm she had many subjects to the East and West, North and South, Queen Thera would prove her faith in her Nation's Heritage by more than word of mouth. Then she spoke. "You have shown myself and my people much Unity, Loyalty, Respect and Honor oh Great King." Queen Thera paused as she stood, standing atop her chair at the table calling out to all the ladies bidding them to come closer and listen "I, Queen Thera, Servant of Apollo and Artemis, Daughter of Queen Ethera, must return home to our Nation, who at this very hour could be under threat of invasion from our neighbor Thrace. It is imperative I must travel upon the waters, trusting in Poseidon the God of the Sea. Now, you, my dear ladies, I promise we all shall meet again, but you must go within the hour, under armed escort by our gracious host and most honorable King."
     The King's heart filled with joy at her decision and answer, but here a grumbling came up from her ladies and there were many whispers amongst the superstitious women. Queen Thera listened as she stood above their heads looking down on the crowd. Then, when the Themiscyran women had reached a consensus, Captain Lexa approached her Queen and said in a tremendous show of Loyalty. "We will not let you go upon the waters alone. If Poseidon wishes to keep you in his arms forever, then we would all gladly go down to the depths of the ocean to keep you company in death. For we will not live without our Queen."

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